Wednesday, 7 December 2011


In groups of 4 we we're told to research our character, Faust. We looked into the characters origins, artistic representation, political readings, cultural importance and charactrs, artistic works influenced by Faust and then told to make a presentation for the class about Faust and then giving a pitch for our own Faust film.
In our versions Faust was to be a modern character, so we made him a business man from Oxford named Frost.
 The changes we made to our character were to get Faust to fit in with the everyman. The modern world.
Faust is a character that has lasted because his story sends a strong message. The choices Faust makes due to his greed and hunger for power and knowledge send him to his doom. I'm sure all of us as humans sometimes feel like Faust, like the world is out to get us 'if I only had their contacts'. Life is unfair, making excuses about things you cannot help. Instead of making you're own path, you let life happen to you. So by giving Faust a miserable end it tells people the way not to think. Live life with a positive attitude.
 Our story keeps this message, Faust becomes a successful businessman but then dies of a heart attack from the outcome of his success. He drinks, he sleeps around, he party's to hard. He enjoys life too much, he does not work hard for the things he gets. Power kills him.

These images show Faust either making his pact with the Devil or summoning Mephistopheles the devils servant.

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