On a calm early morning, three women unlock the school gates for Cawdor elementary school. As they walked into the school kitchens the women discussed the fate of Macbeth, They suspected they would be seeing him by the end of the day. The dinner lady’s laughed and chucked the turkey twizzles into the ovens.
As deputy headmaster of Cawdor School, George Macbeth always though of himself as an academic man, someone whom others could look up to. His wife, Lauren Macbeth thought he should aim rather higher, why stop at deputy when he was so close to the top, after all, it was Macbeth who had suggested all the changes around here.
George arrived at school early as usual with his best friend Ben,
Duncan was late as usual, he would normally let Macbeth come in first and set up. No need to get his hands dirty before any parents arrived. Banquo arrives with Macbeth and together they go about replying to emails and getting various paperwork done.
By the time Duncan arrives at school most of the hard work is done and the teachers settle for lunch. Macbeth and Ben are the last to be served, and are sent into the kitchens to get their food. Three women stand before them, telling George and Banquo their future in a game show style way, Macbeth will become Head Teacher of Cawdor and Ben’s children and his children’s children will be forever successful.
George tells his wife about what the dinner lady’s had said and immediately she hatches a plan to murder Duncan after the school fate the next evening.
George manages to kill Duncan by stabbing him in the neck with a metal ruler. He leaves Duncan’s remains in a classroom and plants the ruler in some teaching assistant’s car.
Carl Macduff, one of the school governors discovers Duncan’s body and soon starts to suspect George.
Lauren starts to go mad, washing her hands repeatedly, she cry’s at night, George doesn’t see this, he only sees his own pain, Carl notice’s George is not himself and as George gets more and more suspicious he begins to argue with Ben eventually thinking that even his best friend is out to get him. He realizes that if he is going to succeed as head teacher he must kill Ben.
A school disco is organized in honor of Duncan, The children all attend and the money goes to a local charity in his memory, one of which is Bens oldest Son, Danny. Macbeth has it arranged that the father and son will be murder on the way home by the same two teaching assistants, Macbeth tells them that if they do not murder Ben and his son then he will turn them into the police for Duncan’s murder. On this same night Lauren driven mad by the children she sees at school, to her they look covered in blood, jumps off the top of the school.
Driven my madness over this Macbeth says he can see children moving towards him, he begins yelling and screaming, tormented by what he has done, Carl find him in the school kitchen looking for the 3 dinner lady’s, wanting to know what happens next in his miserable life. On hearing George’s confession, Carl stabs George in the neck with a meat knife. The police arrive.
The film ends with Bens wife finding out her unborn child is boy.
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