Wednesday, 7 December 2011

VFX Workshop

Today was the 1st of 2 visual effects workshops. Using Blender (2.60) we learnt how to make a 3D shape and then how in place the 3D shape into film, for instance we might want to add robots or statues to our films, or place our characters in a setting which they are not really in.

Blender will be useful in making films where special effects are too hard or costly.
Simple things to remember from the workshop are the keys;

0= Camera view
1= Front view
7= Top view
3= Right view

XYZ = RGB meaning RGB move the axes XYZ.

There are plenty of videos to watch on youtube for help on the program and the best thing is that its free to download! Although the Hollywood pros use Maya (a costly alternative) Blender is pretty easy to use and is fun to experiment with.
We we're also given some good websites with free footage to experiment on, which is a free website where amateurs upload their work for others to play with.

Overall Blender is a fun program and I enjoyed the session a lot! Can't wait to start using blender in my films.

I'll leave you with the start image from Blender, a simple cube to experiment on.

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