Friday, 17 February 2012


Assignment 3 – Campaign Film Pre-Production Template

Producer: Lizzy Morey
Director: Nicole Michaelides

Students suffering from depression at a university (represented by fingers) learn what the symptoms are and how to deal with it.

Key aims - what do you want your work to do?

We want to advertise university counseling services to students who may be depressed so that their time at university is more enjoyable and easy to cope with,
Create awareness,
Change behavior,
Motivate people to act.

Key messages what do you want your work to say?
  • We want our film to tell students that its okay to be depressed and that they are not alone
  • That depression can be dealt with and that its nothing to be embarrass about
  • Students can help each other with depression, its not something to keep in the dark, its something you can talk about.

Audience - who are they? Where are they? Why should they watch your programme?
This film is directly aimed towards university students, students with or without depression, to learn how to recognize and cope with symptoms that they or someone they know may be experiencing.

Style - how will your work look and feel? What stylistic devices will you use?
Our campaign will be a stop motion using pictures of fingers with faces painted onto them. The faces on the fingers will change (according to their emotion) and also the backdrop.  

Distribution -how, when and where will your audience see your programme?
This will be distributed on the Middlesex University counseling page and on
We aim to promote our videos ultimately on all university websites.


Saturday – Buy all Equipment, White bored, eye liner, pens, tripod, lights
Monday – 12.30pm – 5pm set up room, lights, camera, tripod, white bored.
Tuesday – 9.00am Prepare hand models,
                 10.00am First scene with single Finger
                 11.00am Single Finger with addition of Restless, Inability of sleep, helplessness etc
                 1.00pm Lunch
                 1.30pm Second scene, Caused by scene
                 2.30pm Single finger
                 3.30pm You can scenes
                 5.00pm Finnish. Clear up.
Wednesday – Time to re film if needed, if not start edit 10am, record Narration
Thursday – Editing from 10.00am – 11.00am 12.30pm – 2.00pm
                   4.30pm – 9.00pm
Friday – Time for more editing if needed

List of crew:
Nicole Michaelides - Director
Elena Magee – Animator/ Photographer
Lizzy Morey – Producer
Aaron Willet Purchase – Hand Model
Becci Lee – Hand Model
Alex Crowley – Hand Model

It's my first time as working as Producer and its been very exciting, I had to prepare a treatment for the first time and it was hard to know what and what not to put onto the treatment.
There are still some things missing from our treatment for instance the narrator. I really hope we find a narrator soon, Im sure we will.
Working with Nicole has been really good so far and pre production has been fairly easy, we're pretty lucking in this project because we have two animators helping us on the day of the shoot and even in the editing stage, that is if nothing goes wrong (which inevitably it will).

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