Monday, 12 December 2011

Interviews MDA1300

The group; Paulina, Jorgen, Maliha, Francisco and myself, I was editor, as you can see, there was not a lot to edit.

With a boom

With the Lapel

This task was a little disappointing, again it was great learning how to use the mic's but as you can see we didn't use their full potential and made a rather boring interview (to say the lest).
What we should have done was have the camera move between the interviewer and the interviewee, going close up to Jorgen when he answered a particularly serious question.
In the first interview it was discussed that a much better background could have been used, with such a boring background the audience is drawn into boredom themselves thus making the interview a failure. This interview is also filmed at a rather strange angle and in a real interview the people in frame would have been moved a lot further away from the wall making sure there are no shadows caused unless of course this is the desired effect.
There are also problems with the sound, but for our first try at least there IS sound.
Its going to be good now that we can use sound properly in films, hopefully we will start making some good things this year!

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