Friday, 17 February 2012

Script (for Brief 3)

1. University campaign


"Do you suffer from; Restlessness,inability to sleep, Helplessness, tearfulness, mood swings, Anxiety, Worthlessness, Lack of Energy, emptiness, loss of interest
or even, Consumed by a black cloud

This could be caused by;

Leaving friends and family, Living with strangers, coping with work loads, Stress, meeting new people, unhealthy eating
Lifestyle Change, Lack of exercise

If this is you, you might have depression and are not alone.

15% of students suffer from depression and that mean 900,000 thousand of you, Yes you, but there are things you can do.

You can help yourself.

You can exercise, You can eat a balanced diet, You can see a counselor, You can talk to someone, You can join a support group, You can think positive, You can seek help. Don't suffer in silence."

This is the first draft for our Script, it needs a lot of work, there are not many examples of depression campaigns out there so we (Nicole and I) have been struggling to find something to base ours on to match.
Perhaps this is a good thing as it means our campaign will be completely unique and AWESOME. 

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